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Survive DURING

  • There has been a dramatic rise in catastrophic** losses due to flooding in the last decade in Canada.
  • While insurable payouts averaged $400 million per year over the period of 1980 to 2008, for the last eight of nine years leading up to and including 2017, insurance payouts exceeded $1 billion in Canada.
  • Growing flood risk results in substantial increases to premiums. In cases where risk is excessive (i.e. households deemed at ‘very high risk’ or those experiencing repeated basement flooding), flood insurance coverage may be reduced or withdrawn altogether.

**When a disaster results in insured losses totaling $25 million or more, these losses are deemed catastrophic.

A backwater valve is now required to be installed in any and all homes susceptible to a sewer back up. Our qualified Valve Locators will let you know whether it needs to be done, and if your residence qualifies for the Municipal Grant. Once assessed, further details will be sent to you by mail or email.